Wednesday, July 25, 2018

banana peels can do what?

So a long time ago, I was about fourteen years old. My body went thru this weird thing, No i'm not talking about the usual teenage acne and all that..I'm talking about hand and feet warts... The total amount i counted was 14 of em,I went to Walmart to get over counter medicine.I tried every one of these medicines ,nothing and i do mean,nothing WORKED,WHATS SO EVER!!!  so i tried going to the doctor ,you know where they freeze them and you have to jerk your hand away ,because lets face it that crap hurts...the doctor freezing them never worked ,sure the color would change but it wouldn't go one day my mom and i where in Walmart trying to see if there was anything else we might of missed to see if anything else would help.then a random woman came up and told us about this website called and she said their is  a part on there where someone had the same issue as me, and they tried a banana peel . What you do is take the inside of the banana peel and put it on the wart and make sure to wrap it with tape. The best way to do it was at night so that it wouldn't be much as a bother.So my mother was like what the hell a banana cost like ten cents!!... So we tried it and i put it one on my hand and one on my ankle. I only did this for three nights in a row and we all know magic doesn't exist, but in three days all the warts had disappeared.. I WAS IN SHOCK!!!

heres a screen shot of this website.
I have to admit i became
very intrigued with this website, and here lately (hold on that's a lie) In the past few years i have came to this website, it's all about home remedies .They have everything from letter A to Z ...It's really just other people trying different things from Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for toothaches and Raw Organic Coconut Butter for diaper rashes... to Potato Paste For Spider Bites...and so i find myself running to this website when i have an issue..Because i would rather try to find something in my home that works, then having to go to the doctor or buying over the counter products that might not work ...  I think everyone should check this website out..its quite fascinating ....


1 comment:

  1. Also, one banana has enough vitamins in it to give you enough energy for one full hour
