Thursday, December 23, 2010

what i have been up too...

here lately ive been calling everywhere for jobs hopefully soon I'll get one . I'm also trying my hardest to look up driving lessons, good lord knows nobody wants me on the road if I'm not safely prepared good lord. I will soon be trying to go to college not sure where i want to go maybe a community college or something, like beauty school or something. I don't know ill figure it out soon, i hope..Two months ago I just turned 20 I'M STILL FREAKING OUT!! THIS YEAR ILL BE 21 HOLY MACARONI. worst part is I feel like im getting older and i don't wanna. So here lately I've literally have noticed that all my friends except maybe 3 have kids or married or both. ugh did i miss the memo or something. I don't think I did.. don't really know for sure but its is seriously freaking me out. buts it's amazing, god granted something so amazing and im happy for my friends.